Kasetsart University, Thailand (Local Co-Organiser), International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia, Pegaso International, Malta, and Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Poland would like to cordially invite you to participate at the MakeLearn and TIIM International Conference 2025. Academics, scientists, professionals, managers and editors from all over the world will have the opportunity to share experiences, bring new ideas, debate issues, and introduce their latest develop- ments in the largely multidisciplinary fields of research embraced by the MakeLearn and TIIM scientific commu- nities, from social, organizational and technological perspectives.

MakeLearn & TIIM Conference takes place in May, each year in a different European country or online.

MakeLearn and TIIM conference enables scholars and researchers to participate with abstracts or full papers (published either in the conference proceedings or the selected sponsored scientific journal) reflecting their recent research results. All submitted papers will be double- blind reviewed. Accepted abstracts and papers will be included in Conference Proceedings published by ToKnowPress.


You can choose among the following tracks:

Keywords in the tracks can be used as guidelines and not as limitations.

Quality management
Knowledge management
Management in education
Organizational learning
Human resources
Intergenerational cooperation
Organizational behavior
Productivity & performance Management

E-commerce management
Social media & social networking
Customer relation management
Mobile Communications
Mobile Commerce

Knowledge-based economy
Intellectual capital
Fiscal policy
Labor market

Learning society
Entrepreneurial learning
Higher education
Distance learning
Quality of education
Intercultural education

Information management Systems
Decision support systems
Artificial intelligence
Data systems
Innovation management
Green technology
Value chain management
New product and service Development
Mobile Communications
Mobile Commerce
Electronic Government

European Union
EU policies
EU citizenship
EU law

Culture & religion
Teamwork & leadership
Youth services
Ageing society
Gender studies
Resilience & resilience economy
Future foresight
Creating legacy
People with disability

green technology
natural systems
renewable energy
sustainable agriculture
sustainable development

Big Data Applications
Business Intelligence
Data Mining
Expert Systems
Mobile Communications
Electronic Government


Publication of a paper is possible either in the conference proceedings or in one of the sponsored journals. Only the abstract will be published in the conference proceeding if a paper is published in a journal.


  • In the proceedings, either abstracts or full papers will be published. The author decides upon this.
  • In case when the author chooses publication in a sponsored journal, only the abstract will be published in the proceedings.
  • If the abstract fits the conference theme, the author is issued the Confirmation of Abstract Acceptance.
  • Every full paper submitted in the submission system will be double-blind reviewed. The author will receive two reviews with information if the submitted paper needs any improvements to be included in the conference proceedings.
  • By submitting the (revised) paper or only the abstract, the author confirms that they have read the registration policy and will present the paper or the abstract at the conference.
  • The paper or the abstract should be edited according to the proceedings’ instructions (paper submission template, abstract submission template).
  • In case of acceptance, the author receives the Confirmation of Paper Acceptance, which clearly states that the paper is accepted to be included in the conference program. 


High-quality papers will be invited for publication in the sponsored journal. The initiative for the publication may also come from the author.
For the papers sent for publication to a sponsored journal, double-blind review and all the related procedures (submission of revised paper, acceptance, publishing) will be done by the sponsored journal.

Submission procedure

  1. The editors of the sponsored journals will invite the authors of good-quality papers that match one of the journals’ scopes to submit the paper in the journal submission system.
  2. the papers should be submitted through the journal’s submission system after the invitation.
  3. The journal will perform a double-blind review.
  4. The papers selected for publication in the journals will not be published in the conference proceedings; only the abstracts will be included in the proceedings.
  5. Depending on the number of selected papers per journal, the papers will be published either in special issues, special sections of regular issues, or in regular issues of the journals.

List of sponsored journals

SCI/SSCI & Scopus Journals:
Human Systems Management  (Impact Factor: 2.3; CiteScore: 3.2)
International Journal of Value Chain Management (Impact Factor: 0.8; CiteScore: 1.6)
International Journal of Innovation and Learning (Impact Factor: 0.8; CiteScore: 1.4)
Expert Systems with Applications (Impact Factor: 8.5; CiteScore: 12.6)
Technology, Pedagogy & Education (2018 Impact Factor: 4.9; CiteScore: 7.1)
Journal of Computer Information Systems (Impact Factor: 2.8, CiteScore: 5.8)
Management and Production Engineering Review (Impact Factor: 1.4; CiteScore: 2.9)

SCI/SSCI Journals
International Journal of Mobile Communications (Impact Factor: 1.6)

Scopus Journals:
Electronic Government, An International Journal (CiteScore: 2.7)
International Journal of Management in Education (CiteScore: 1.5)
International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development (CiteScore: 1.3)
Sustainability (Special Issue: Sustainable Higher Education: Innovative Teaching and Learning, and Leadership for Creating Impacts on Local Society and Globally)

Other Indexed Journals:
International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning
Managing Global Transitions
Issues in Information Systems
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio H – Oeconomia
Organization and Management Scientific Quarterly


International School for Social and Business Studies
Mariborska cesta 7, SI-3000 Celje, Slovenia
Phone: +386 3 425 82 24
Fax: +386 3 425 82 22

Makelearn Conference 2025
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