As a part of Makelearn & TIIM conference 2021, several interesting sessions will be delivered, all of them as online events.
On the first day, May 20, besides keynote speeches, Academic Leadership Forum will take place moderated by Dr Kris Law (Deakin University, Australia) and Dr Dušan Lesjak (ISSBS, Slovenia). Panellists will try to answer the question: How can we shape higher education institutions to respond to future trends in the post-pandemic world? Click HERE to register for the 1st-day events.
On the second day, May 21, a Workshop on Academic Writing and Publishing, and an Editors’ Panel and Research-Education-Business Forum will take place. In the Editors’ Panel, moderators Dr Zbigniew Pastuszak (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland) and Dr Kongkiti Phusavat (Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand) will host several Scopus and WoS indexed journals’ editors. In Research-Education-Busines Forum, Dr Claude Meier (HWZ University of Applied Sciences Zurich, Switzerland) and Dr Nada Trunk Širca (ISSBS Celje, UP Koper, Slovenia) are going to encourage interesting discussion on Acceleration of Digitalisation through COVID-19 answering the question: How the digitalisation leads to a faster geographical shift and change of local labour composition? Click HERE to register for the 2nd-day events.