Keynote speech: The University in 20 Years: Evolutionary Scenarios
Second keynote speaker at Makelearn, TIIM & PIConf 2023 conference will be Prof. Dr. Pierpaolo Limone, Rector of the Pegaso Online University (Italy) and a Full Professor in Developmental and Educational Psychology. His keynote speech will be entitled “The University in 20 Years: Evolutionary Scenarios” and held on Thursday, 18 May 2023 at 15.15. Keynote speech abstract Universities have been
Final extension of paper submission deadline to 25 April 2022
The MakeLearn, TIIM & PIConf 2023 conference is announcing the final extension of paper submission until 25th April 2022. There is still some time to submit your full paper or abstract and register your participation at the conference. There will be no more deadline extension after this. You can submit your paper proposals in the
Second extension of paper submission deadline to 31 March 2023
We are pleased to inform you that the deadline for paper submission has been extended to 31th March 2023. There is still some time to submit your full paper or abstract and register your participation at the conference. You can submit your paper proposals in the conference system (click). For more information visit the conference
First keynote speech: Digital Transformation for the University of the Future
First keynote speaker at Makelearn, TIIM & PIConf 2023 conference will be Prof. Dr. Jay Liebowitz, Inaugural Executive-in-Residence for Public Service, Columbia University, Data Science Institute, USA. His keynote speech will be entitled “Digital Transformation for the University of the Future” and held on Thursday, 18 May 2023 at 14.45. Keynote speech abstract We have
Extension of paper submission deadline to 15 March 2023
We are pleased to inform you that the deadline for paper submission has been extended to 15th March 2023. There is still some time to submit your full paper or abstract and register your participation at the conference. You can submit your paper proposals in the conference system (click). For more information visit the conference
Makelearn, TIIM & PiConf conference 2023 will be held at Casino Maltese in Valletta
The on-site Makelearn, TIIM & PIConf conference 2023 will take place at the premises of Casino Maltese (, address: 247 Republic St, Valletta, Malta). Local host and conference co-organizer is Pegaso International from Malta. The Casino Maltese is a conference venue that combines historical charm, modern facilities, and a prime location. Located in the heart of Valletta, Malta’s
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