Registration open for Makelearn & TIIM Conference 2023
Registration is now OPEN for MakeLearn and TIIM International Conference 2023! You are cordially invited to participate at the conference titled “Economic, Social and Environmental Sustainability: The Role of Technology and Political Dialogue” to be held in hybrid form 18-20 May 2023 in Malta, and in the online environment. Click here for Call for papers.

Conference proceedings and Galleries
Conference proceedings 2022 have been published. In the proceedings, the programme of Makelearn & TIIM Conference 2022 is available with hyperlinks to video recordings of the events and contributions presented during the sessions. This year’s Proceedings contain the abstract or full papers. Some of the papers were published also in conference-sponsored journals. The Proceedings are

12th International Scientific Conference MakeLearn & TIIM 2022 – Day 1
On Thursday, 19 May 2022, we successfully held the first conference day of the international scientific conference MakeLearn & TIIM entitled “Digital Transformation: The Harmonic Convergence of People, Culture, Process, and Technology in the New Normal “. Participants were addressed by representatives of partner institutions:– Dr. Jonas Čeponis, Vice-Rector for Studies, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania,– Dr. Edita

Invitation to the MakeLearn & TIIM plenary events
12th International MakeLearn & TIIM Conference will take place on 19 and 20 May 2022 in Kaunas, Lithuania, and the Virtual Environment. The title of the conference is “Digital Transformation: The Harmonic Convergence of People, Culture, Process, and Technology in the New Normal”. We invite you to attend the plenary events of the conference (keynote speakers, consultations,

Information for foreign arrivals to Kaunas
According to Lithuanian National Public Health Center under the Ministry of Health travelers arriving in Lithuania from any country of the world will no longer be subject to any COVID-19 management requirements from 1st May 2022. This means that on-site MakeLearn & TIIM conference participants:– no longer need to take the COVID-19 test before the

Academic leadership for the sustainable future: academic impact for society, evidence-based decision-making and leading for transformation
Chair of the Academic Leadership Forum will be Prof. dr. Rytis Krušinskas, from the School of Economics and Business, Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Lithuania. The forum will be entitled “Academic leadership for the sustainable future: academic impact for society, evidence-based decision-making and leading for transformation” and held on Thursday, 19 May 2022 at 16.30
International School for Social and Business Studies
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